Ever won an argument with your “conscience”?
Or gotten it to shut up after doing something…not too pretty?
If you haven’t, then you’ve become yet another victim of the tiny little program that gets uploaded to our brains (in our Creator’s Top Secret laboratory) …called the “conscience”.
It’s not exactly something we can put in a glass jar and examine with a magnifying glass. But its purpose is to keep us from doing dumb stuff that:
- Leads to regret, guilt and breathing difficulties
- Lowers our self-esteem and self-worth
- Gets our asses kicked by those affected by the villainous act(when they eventually find out)
- Gets our asses kicked again (by our Creator) in the form of “divine punishment”
- Causes a major withdrawal to any “Spiritual funds” that we had deposited over the years in the form of “good deeds”.
And unfortunately, it’s not something we can get away from by going for a run, spending the remainder of the week at a Bar, by changing religion, by putting on a Halloween Costume or even by moving to an Undersea Lodge somewhere.
Even more interesting is how this mechanism works universally for everyone who breathes oxygen…regardless of how much they like Kittens, regardless of their footwear brand and even regardless of their Faith (or the lack of it). Now, if you’re from another planet and breathe Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas) instead, you might be totally immune to all this.
But it’s not all bad news, though.
Most of our crimes get punished within a few weeks of the incident (at least at a Supernatural level). And none of the punishments involve being fed to Piranhas (not as far as I know anyway). And then when that “gruesome chapter” is done and the cinematic music has died out, we get to start off with a fresh slate the following day (almost like it all went away with a single sneeze).
Even, much of the “regret” associated with the bad deed can also be suppressed by piling on a heap of good deeds on top of it.
As per the residual guilt that gets left behind…it serves the purpose of “preventing us” from continuing (or repeating) that “good for nothing” behavior.
So, why do we continue to act “Dumb” despite all that?
If our conscience does such a swell job at steering us away from wrongdoings whilst nudging us into doing the right thing, and “regret” is right there waiting to remind us of the “possible consequences”, then why we still insist on embracing the dark side?
Well, there’s actually 4 reasons for that:
1. The Fight or Fight Response conundrum
Aside from our conscience that acts as the moral compass, there’s a second vital mechanism that doesn’t give a Bird’s Beak about moral values…called the “Fight or Flight Response Mechanism”. The Fight or Flight Response Mechanism is solely there to keep us (and our loved ones) from being chewed to a pulp by some hitchhiking Predator. Therefore, it’s constantly on the lookout for anything that it considers to be a “legitimate threat”. And it’s on the lookout to eliminate that threat…before it can even say “WTF”.
And up until a few years ago (before Vampires started dressing better than Supermodels) this “mechanism” is what kept the Human Race alive and giggling.
But nowadays; where not everything with a pulse is a life-threatening carnivore with sharp claws and whiskers; it doesn’t play as much of a critical role.
Sure. It kicks into high gear whenever it spots a Raccoon stealing your Coffee. And it goes all Kung Fu and Cat Fu on anyone who tries to mess with your Family. But for the most part, it now spends its days whining and complaining about “the weather” and the neighbors.
It does that because nowadays it has a hard time differentiating a real threat from something that’s as harmless as a meditating kitten.
2. Happiness overkill – Given that we no longer spend our days being chased around the wilderness by hordes of evil Squirrels, we are now left with a ton of “free time” and far fewer “real problems” to deal with.
But instead of rejoicing the better quality of life that we had fought tens of thousands of years to achieve, we have come up with a new set of “emotional requirements” that we’re working overtime to fulfill.
In a way, you can say that we’ve finally earned our right to be happy, prosperous, vibrant, stable, valued, and loved. But we squelch it all by associating with the the Kingpin of all emotions: dissatisfaction.
It starts out small at first. When we find something “dissatisfying” about our marriage, we complain and pout about it for a while and finally replace the “no longer likable person” with a “newer and shinier” spouse with brighter teeth.
When vegetables become too boring, we try seasoning it with half a bottle of mayonnaise and anything else we can find in the kitchen and finally settle for eating nothing but junk food all day long. When keeping up with the Kids become too “physically challenging”, we give them heavier shoes to slow them down. And when that doesn’t work, we sit them in front of a PlayStation and keep them there for a good part of the next two decades.
And when the price of these “small compromises” start piling up, we decide that we’ve had it with that “little voice in our heads” that’s making us feel bad. And start sedating it with alcohol, processed sugar , cigarettes and other drugs.
Then after 5 years, 423 broken relationships, 14 divorces, 5 experimental drugs, 211Lbs of excess weight, 5 STDs, 13 Fatherless children and 22 wrinkles, we start freely distributing all the pain and regret we had accumulated among people who annoy us the most (but are also the least likely to kill us in return).
3. The “what’s the use” trap– Most people fall into the “Oh what’s the use” trap, after having lived a virtuous life for a short while (usually less than 24 hours, not counting sleep). They didn’t get to witness any of the miracles others people claim to have experienced. And therefore, decide to follow the crowd by making that all important collect call to the dark side.
4. Good religions gone bad– All major religions in the World were formed with boatloads of good intentions and were once there for the betterment of humanity. But now they are quickly being transformed into Monsters with horns and big eyelashes, again as a result of our “Fight or Flight Response Mechanism” telling them that anything and anyone who doesn’t fit into our”belief scope” is baaaad.
So, most folks have started tiptoeing away from the spiritual essence that their faiths once bestowed upon them, and have started resorting to living by their “primal instincts”.
5. “Nombies” aka the Brain eating News Media– Commercial News Media also thrive on our Fight or Flight Response Mechanism’s inability to differentiate a real threat from something that’s seen on TV or a News Paper.
That’s why when we see something “catastrophically juicy” on TV; like some whack job going on a killing spree or a “few hundred” nutcases causing an icky (or explosive) situation somewhere; we make a family event out of it. We bring out the popcorn, pull out 10 extra chairs and then let our brains marinade in that disdain and hatred.
Then we let those childlike brains lose on the streets; so that they can run wild planting seeds of distrust, discrimination, destruction and prejudice, without ever thinking for a second what those seeds can grow into 50 years down the line.
So, is it really worth “playing nice”?
Everything in life has to go through a period of germination; much like the time that it takes for a Caterpillar to transform itself into a Dancing Marmoset. Or the time that it takes for a newborn baby to show up and start bossing us around.
Likewise, there is a germination period for us to get “connected” to the Supernatural Realm, in order to enjoy jaw-dropping amounts of blessings, favor, and protection.
And it all starts with the simple principle of “playing nice”.
Tuning into the Supernatural Realm using Supernatural 4G (no religion required)
Dialing into the Supernatural Realm will require a particular set of skills, skills that you will have to acquire over the course of several years. Skills that can make life awesome and as sweet as Blueberries for people like you.
And that particular set of skills is what we refer to as… “Supernatural 4G” (which is essentially 4 simple virtues).
So the minute you turn on your Supernatural 4G (by flicking your hair back and forth a few times), your life will move into a higher frequency of living, almost instantly.
And much like a dimmer switch, the stronger your Supernatural 4G skills/virtues become, the brighter your life will be.
And here the Supernatural 4G virtues I keep referring to:
1. Graciousness–Graciousness is a little more than just “being nice” once in a while. It’s about being a person of total integrity. And about being courteous, compassionate, kind and humane every single minute of every single day.
That means you cannot even whack off the occasional person for having given you a bad Coffee in the morning. Or toss out that underperforming Employee out of your office Window. Or even giggle at people who are less (or more) fashionable than you.
It also means that you cannot react to people who are trying to “rub off some of their pain on you” by making fun of you or by putting you down in some way. In fact, you should do the very opposite and “sympathize” with their situation.
Why? Because the very fact that they took the time from their “busy schedules” to poke you in the nose tellz you just how much of a mess their life is in right now. Sure. We all have our share of challenges. But nothing screams pain like someone “venting it out in the open”.
Besides, there’s no greater punishment than ignorance. So, if you just get on with your Business like they don’t even exist, their ridicule will hit them right back on their faces, much like what happens to amateurs with Boomerangs.
If that’s not “sweet enough”, your Creator will then show up and go all Clint Eastwood on them as well (but without the bullets). And who knows, you might even get a front row seat to see the “judgment” being passed (just as I have had many times).
Obviously, that doesn’t mean you let anyone “physically abuse” you or your loved ones at any time. That’s when you have no choice but to give them a “total makeover” (of the worst kind).
But in all other situations… keep your hair on and soul bubbly.
2. Generousness– Our Creator plays by the “law of commerce” whereby everything we buy or receive is always worth many times the actual price we pay for it.
For example, we watch Movies that cost hundreds of millions of dollars to produce for about the cost of a Pizza.
And we enjoy Pizzas that cost hundreds if not thousands of Dollars to prepare for a few measly bucks (if you factor in the money that was spent on the machinery, the process, the bills, the wages, the cost of harvesting and preserving ingredients, the cost of packaging etc.)
On the flipside the Business owners also benefit “considerably”, whilst the Employees get to walk away with a big slice of pizza (and some money).
So whatever it is; regardless of the cost; you probably got it for a fraction of the actual cost of production.
Likewise, your Creator also gives you a ridiculous return on your investment when you start putting down a few bucks every single month to invest into his operation.
So what exactly is his operation? Our Creator is in the Business of promoting prosperity, humanity, love, compassion, and growth.
And you can become a shareholder of that operation by giving 10% of your net income every single month to a cause/charity that helps people (children in particular) who “genuinely” cannot help themselves.
Consider this as the monthly charge that keeps your “Supernatural Insurance” active, which by the way is what will make you and your loved ones’ immune to a “considerable amount” of catastrophes, road accidents, financial pickles, relationship stews, plane crashes, cereal spills and fashion blunders.
But generosity doesn’t have to stop at just a 10% monthly contribution. You can also get into the habit of helping folks in need in your everyday life too, but without going Bankrupt in the process. For instance, you can buy a sandwich for someone that maybe struggling to find their next meal, by buying a sleeping bag for a homeless person who sleeps on the floor night after night or by buying a Horse or an Elephant for someone who’s always late for work etc.
3. Greatness– The wealthiest of people make the most generous of donations. But not because they have too much money. But rather because they were entrusted with that role from the very beginning (without them even knowing about it). This is also why they have an almost unreasonable amount of favor knocking at their front doors every day.
And there’s no such thing as a “select few” because we are all chosen for a greater purpose and a higher calling without a single exception. The only thing that sets us apart is our “willingness” to figure out the combination to the safe that holds out potential. And our willingness to pay the price necessary to bring that potential to life.
So, how do you find the combination to this tiny part of your brain that’s being shying away from you since birth?
That’s the easy part. Have a look at the people that you admire the most. And the things you like doing that you could say are fun and effortless (not including any popcorn sessions in front of the TV/Gaming console). Your calling in life is most likely somewhere there.
But if you’re still having a hard time trying to figure out what it is, then pass the grunt work (of having to figure it out yourself) to the Supernatural Realm by asking this one simple question:
“How can I serve you/ your subjects more and have a blast doing it?”. And don’t worry about the money part. Very few people who have reached the pinnacle of success started out with “money” in mind. Obviously, when the money showed up, they didn’t complain about it either.
4. Gratitude–I’m yet to hear of anyone getting sued for being too grateful. In fact, the opposite is true. The more gratitude we receive, the more receptive we become to the other person’s needs.
Think about having a Child who’s always respectful (both to you and to everyone else), praises you for every little thing you do and tells you what a fabulous Parent you are every single day.
And compare him/her with a second child who’s always got a bone to pick with you, is inconsiderate, disrespectful and believes that the phrase “thank you” is something that went out of style decades ago.
Now, which of these two Children are you most likely to brag about to your friends and family? Which one would you be “compelled” to do more for? And which one would you try to keep indoors as much as possible (for the sake of the Public’s safety, not the Child’s)?
Our Creator works pretty much the same way, because who we are (on an exceptionally good day) is a pretty close representation of how he runs his “operation”.
So, get into the habit of taking a few minutes each day (morning/night or both) to thank him for all the wonderful things he’s done in your life as well as the seemingly minuscule stuff that you maybe taking for granted.
Thank him for the fact that you weren’t abducted by Aliens the night before. And thank him for the clean water that you drink, the fresh air that you breathe, the peaceful neighborhood that you live in, the Amazing (but slightly “strange”) Family that you’re blessed with, your partially depressed Cat, the job that you hate doing but love getting paid for etc.
Then throughout the day keep your eyes peeled to spot your Creator in the act (of doing something “nice”). And when he eventually does, pounce on the opportunity swiftly and thank him right then and there. By the way, it’s not necessary to verbalize your gratitude all the time because your Creator’s already got you wired with the latest and greatest Supernatural Spy Tech in the Market allowing him to see what you see, hear what you hear and even know whatever you’re thinking about.
And what if you don’t believe in a higher power? Then thank Science, Nature, Oxygen, Sunshine, DC Comics or whatever “force” that you believe to be “spectacular”.
This will give your Creator the “opportunity” to do something so awesomely jaw-dropping in your life that you’ll have no choice but to believe that he’s for real. Admittedly, that’s how I became a believer too, after having being one of the World’s leading non-believers for well over 30 years. By the way, the only prizes I received for winning the “World’s Leading non believer” several times were Mediocrity and Confusion.
By the way, you can also treat these “Gratitude sessions” as prayer sessions. But it’s highly recommended that you start out with gratitude part first so that the line (to Supernatural HQ) doesn’t get dropped halfway through the call. Also with regards to prayers, always keep them respectful and positive as nobody gets excited at the prospect of having to listen to a barrage of mews, howls and neighs.
And then allow your Creator and his Supernatural Board Members decide which prayers to act on immediately, which ones to add to the “orchestration timeline” (which is equivalent to a script on a Movie or TV Show) and which ones to just sweep under the carpet.
The 4 main types of prayer and how they work
9-1-1 Prayers – are prayers that require a prompter (and an almost instant) response than a regular “I want a Monster Truck” kind of prayer. So, for the most part, a 9-1-1 Prayer is nothing more than a quick cry for help that goes something like: “yikes”, “help”, “please”, “oh no. I’m about to get eaten by a Bear” or something along those lines. Sometimes these 9-1-1 Prayers get answered without even having to make the call.
For example, let’s say that you’re about to step into a crosswalk without looking both ways (which isn’t the recommended practice by the way). And you’re just are seconds away from being run over by a big ass bus like a rolling pin on a pizza dough. You don’t see the Bus as you’re not in the mood to pay attention to any vehicles on the road. And you don’t hear it either, because you’re preoccupied listening to one of those “life after death” audiobooks on your iPod.
But just as you lift up your right foot and start making your way to the other side of the road, you find yourself being yanked back to safety by what you can only describe as an “invisible hand”.
Or perhaps you’re busy punching away at the keyboard with your super lightweight fingers in order to complete a very time sensitive project that needs to be delivered by tomorrow when your PC starts rebooting intermittently for no apparent reason. And this goes on for hours causing you so much frustration whilst exponentially accelerating your hair growth. Finally, when you start feeling like you’re almost at the end of your wits, you decide to place your hands on top of the PC, close your eyes and just say one simple magic word… “Tacos”?
Nope. The magic word is… “please”.
Then after the next reboot, everything just goes back to normal (as if by magic). And your PC starts purring away like a happy kitten for the rest of the Evening without a single hiccup or sneeze.
Now who would be dumb enough to step into a crosswalk without looking both ways? Or run a Business without a single backup computer?
Umm…can I get back to you on that?
“Delayed response” prayers – These “not so urgent” prayers take longer to germinate because the “seemingly circumstantial events” that need to be orchestrated into your timeline, may also be answering the prayer requests of numerous other people as well. Unfortunately, that also means that you may have to wait several weeks, months or a few years for these prayers to come to life.
I think in the Supernatural Realm they call this “Batch processing”. It saves them a whole bunch of paperwork whilst minimizing the carbon footprint.
Another reason for delaying a prayer is because you simply cannot go out in your pajamas…to slay a big bad Dragon…even after a good breakfast. In other words, there’s still preparation needed on your part at a physical, emotional, technical or spiritual level to be able to “receive the blessing”. But as soon as you’re ready, the Dragon will call you up in person to arrange that all important “Business meeting”.
Rejections/Denials and Closed Doors – The word “No” is possibly responsible for sending more people into Comas than most roadside accidents. But once you start seeing the kind of “furry Monsters” those rejections and closed doors are keeping you from, you’ll start calling them “blessings” just as I have.
Several years ago, I was in the middle of sending out a very emotional text message to a good friend of mine. The message wasn’t pretty. But the intentions behind it were good. So I typed up the message and hit the send button. But nothing happened. I then tapped the “send” button several times after that…and still nothing. By the way, I was using an online app for the texting at the time because I’m slower than a turtle when it comes to typing stuff on my cellphone. But it’s a very reliable app that’s worked perfectly for me for years with zero issues. Finally typed up this “unsexy and eye poking message” on my cellphone and sent it directly without any issues.
A couple of days later…that message blew up on my face (a hundredfold). I can only describe what happened as my first ever “ground level clear air turbulence” experience.
Then there was my first ever opportunity at going “big online” decades ago. This was when I was living in a tiny bedroom that had just enough space for a single bed, a computer table, a cupboard and mys two pairs of shoes. Just to give you an idea of how small this room was, I had to actually walk sideways (or hop over the bed) in order to get to the door. So,I was constantly on the lookout for my “big break”.
And because of that, I was on eBay one day checking out some Macromedia software that some guy was selling online for a “fraction” of the price. And just to make the offer sound more authentic, he had mentioned that the software had been in storage for a while and, therefore, the boxes were somewhat tatty. And being the bright, smart (and young) individual that I was (back then) I decided to buy it all using whatever Money I had left in the Bank, plus whatever funds I can claw out in the form of Credit Card withdrawals, Bank overdrafts etc. I may have also tried mugging a couple of itty bitty Old Ladies (in an effort to reach my goal faster). But that didn’t go too well because those itty bitty old Ladies, turned out to be highly trained Ninjas.
Now since the money I was putting together was in 101 different places, there was a lot of money transfers that needed to be done in order to chunk it all into a single payment. And that wasn’t something that could be done overnight. So I went to bed early and woke up the next morning, feeling brighter than the Sun. And after several warmup yawns (which was my substitute for exercise back then), I headed over to my PC and hit the Power button. But nothing happened. I then hit it again and still nothing.
Then after maybe a couple of hours of checking cables, replacing cables and frowning at the PC, I gave up. And yes, it was one of those “it’s never happened before” things that I really watch out for now. But since I was one of those guys who believed that the World was being run by a Giant Koala who’s too high on Eucalyptus to even bother, I discounted that “warning” altogether and persevered with my “totally brilliant” plan. And within a few short weeks, I found myself in a whole lot of financial goo that kept me reeling in a constant state of sourness for years. But at least, it taught me that not everyone on the Internet is as honest as they say are.
Prayers backed by a Guarantee– Some of the things you pray about (out loud or in silence) are so outlandish that you might have a hard time wrapping your head around them.
Maybe you have a truly extraordinary dream (or idea) bouncing around your head like a ping pong ball. Or maybe your prayer is to recover from a challenging medical/health condition (that you or someone close to you) is suffering from.
It’s something you want badly. And it’s something that you’ve been striving for (without complaining) everyday. More importantly, it’s something that your Creator wants for you just as much. But he also knows that it’s going to take a while for him to call all his contacts and make the necessary arrangements to make that prayer a reality.
So, what he does in the meantime (to make sure that you don’t hang up the line after having listened to the “on hold” music a for weeks) is to give you a promise. And when your Creator makes a promise, you can bet your Pet Panda that he’s gonna fight tooth and nail with you to bring it to fruition.
Now, the way he chooses to communicate this promise can be different from one person to another because we all have our unique “emotional dialects” much like how some folks like Smoothies whilst others prefer Smarties.
For me (because I tend to be a bit slow at comprehending subtlety) he mostly uses electronic mediums to get his message across. So, it can be something I see on my PC, Laptop, Cellphone, a specific website, a TV Show, a Movie or something that I hear in an Audiobook etc. But for you it might be something that you see in a Newsmagazine (such as how Conrad Hilton was given the promise of the Waldorf Astoria Hotel) or Nature (much like how a bunch of mice running around the old Building where Walt Disney once worked gave birth to Mickey Mouse and ultimately the whole Disney empire). Or it could just be something someone tells you that translates to something like “it’s yours if you stay the course”.
A while back I was hit with a severe case of eczema completely out of the blue (actually, there was a whole lot of dumbness on my part that led me to that place, but let’s postpone that discussion to another millennium). So, within weeks, I had so many scars and bruises all over my Body, that you would’ve probably had a hard time telling me apart from a ginormous red apple.
At first, I was baffled and extremely distraught. I didn’t know what it was and why it happened. And even though my beautiful Creator had already showed me how my story ends, my faith (at the time) was swimming in a pool of smiley faces and frowny faces.
Then one morning, I started listening to a Motivational CD that told a story of someone with a similar skin condition making a full recovery. Now, what’s interesting about it is the fact that after years of listening to dozens of audiobooks, I don’t recall having heard a single story like that ever before. But in my heart, I knew that message was meant for me.
Following that, I started looking around for remedies online (as I always do). And I came across several good products on Amazon (the retailer, not the rainforest) with 5-star reviews on each that had been published on “May the 6th”. Now, what’s special about that is the fact that May the 6th also happens to be my birthday. And the CEO of the Universe has “trained me” to identify messages that either has my name or birthday associated with them, as “promises from Supernatural HQ”. And thus far they’ve paid off for me every single time. I have used the same method to transform my face (that looked like a dartboard at one time due to teenage acne) into something that’s a lot less frightening, to recover from several hamstring injuries, a bad case of “sleeping with my eyes wide open” (aka Insomnia), regular heartburns, stomach ulcers, sore throats, hay fever, and a whole bunch of other stuff. It’s also helped me find my voice, my purpose, my self-esteem, my “ideal place to live”, the right people to “integrate into my life”, TV shows/Movies that I’m guaranteed to enjoy, music concerts that would make me melt (like an ice cream on a sunny day), consumables, products and tools that would make a huge difference to my Life and Business and so much more.
But up until a few years ago I was living on “breadcrumb blessings” because I was only partially tuned in (possibly at a Supernatural 3G level). And then when I amped up on the “Gratitude” part it took my life to the next level (i.e. the Supernatural 4G level). It was almost like turning on the lights in a room that had been running on candlelight for years. The lights were there all along. But the switchbox (for the lights) had been marked as “off limits” by the spiders.
Now, I’ve shared a fragment of my experiences to give you a glimpse of what the “process” is like. And to demonstrate you the sort of rewards and blessings you can expect in return for making a few subtle changes to your everyday life.
Now, here’s a little trick on how you can use to supercharge those blessings without having to do any extra work. And that is to “capture” those messages, blessings and promises (in the form of screenshots or snapshots) and to then print and stick them somewhere you can see them often (except maybe your Car windscreen).
That way, every time you see them, they’ll strengthen your Spiritual Muscles and your cheekbones.
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