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The 9-Step Process That Will Allow You to Experience a Reservoir of God’s Miracles in Your Everyday Life (With or Without a Religion)

God's Miracles

Want to be blessed with Supernatural favor, protection and blessings with or without religion?

Here’s how:

1. Become an exceptionally caring, loving and compassionate human being and treat every single person that you meet however small, different or strange as the most important person you’ve ever met

2. Always do the right thing no matter how hard life punches you on the nose, tugs at your ears or kicks you on your butt

3. Become a person of service and always look for ways to expand your reach to make life better for other people. The most effective way of doing this is by going into business for yourself. The greater your service, the greater your reward.

4. Donate 10% of your net income every month (however big or small) to a cause that genuinely helps people who cannot help themselves. I personally prefer Orphanages and Child Sponsorship.

5. Take a few minutes every day to just be grateful for the fact that you have a roof over your head, a steady income, three meals a day, running water in the household and that you didn’t get eaten by a deceivingly cuddly Koala etc. This doesn’t have to be anything formal.

6. When good things happen (however small); such as landing a new client, getting a raise or not breaking your neck when you slipped in the bathroom last week; just put your hand up in the air and acknowledge your Creator

7. Find pictures of what you desire to see in your life over the coming years from the web, stick them somewhere you can see them and thank God every day in advance for making them possible. This process can take years but if it’s something that makes your heart jump up and whistle, it’ll show up in your life eventually.

By the way, if you’re aiming for something really big, it helps to be in Business for yourself, so that your Creator will have an unlimited supply of resources to work with.

8. Refrain from saying anything negative about yourself, your dreams or about anyone else. This distorts and in some cases closes your connection to the Supernatural realm temporarily

9. Make God a big deal in your everyday life – When you’re about to go shopping ask God to help you find what you want, if you’re having trouble in a relationship ask him to restore it, if your PC just crashed on you ask him to help you get it back up and running, if you suffered an injury ask God to heal it, if you’re going out to Dinner without a reservation ask him to help you get you a good seat etc. After you ask, close your eyes,breathe in deep and visualize that your wish had already come fruition. Play this image in your mind a few times over.

Follow the above 9 steps for just 12 consecutive MONTHS and if your life isn’t better than where it was when you began,then just go back to living life whichever way you prefer. But if it did work, then commit to it for the rest of your days. It’s such a small price to pay to have a whole fleet of supernaturals watching your back, your finances, your relationships and your health around the clock.

If however you screw up at some point (for instance you decided to kick your Cat on your way to the Garage), then you’ll need to reset that 12-month countdown and start again. At the same time, don’t kick yourself over it. Screwing up just means that you still have a pulse. Physical muscles only grow at the point of failure and that’s often the case with Emotional muscles too.


Why 12 months?

Well, it basically lets the Chairman of the Universe know, that you mean Business and that you aren’t looking to hoax your way into his blessings in any way.

At the same time, once you make a genuine commitment in your heart to come up higher, he’ll have your back from that moment on. And he’ll no problem doing that right away as he knows everything we’re thinking every second of every day to the point of knowing exactly what we’re gonna have for Breakfast on New Year’s Eve, 20 years from now.


A few things worth mentioning:

1. God has a strange way of doing things

For instance, he doesn’t show up unless your oxygen tank is down to its last few gasps. And he may help you reach your Goals using resources that weren’t even on your radar at one point.

In my case, he only physically intervened when I was about to be turned into instant Guacamole by an oncoming Bus. Likewise, he’s only come to my financial aid (in a big way) when I was only days away from becoming homeless or when I was days away from having to change my diet to fingernails and eyebrows.

In fact, looking back it feels like I was knocked unconscious by the storms of life and then steered into safety by these mighty supernatural arms. Now, that doesn’t mean I was snacking on Doritos and watching TV in the meantime. But, it’s almost like the waves were supernaturally shaping my journey whilst keeping me from being dashed onto the rocks. It’s freakishly awesome!
And the only reason why I was and am “reasonably immune” to these storms is because I played by the simple rules listed here.

Obviously, last minute stuff isn’t all that he does. But sometimes you wouldn’t even know that he’s there otherwise. It’s a bit like not knowing how awesome firefighters truly are until your Kitten starts playing with matches.

2. Allow the Chairman of the Universe to do things his way

He has an “Instant Fast Forward” facility on his favorite channel“Supernatural Vision”(a cable channel that’s not available to us).

This allows him to skip ahead and see if what we’re asking is either going to help us or hinder us. So, if he sees it having a negative impact somewhere down the line or he deems that there’s something far much better coming our way on a later date, he’ll stamp the request as “Denied” and pass the rejection letter over a Woodcock to deliver.

3. Having a “Supernatural Insurance Policy”, doesn’t make you immune to everything

It’s an awesome feeling to know that you’ve got the Creator of the Universe in your Corner. In fact, his shield of protection will even block many of the punches and setbacks that come your way. But it won’t catch em all.

What it’ll do instead, is prevent any of punches that get through to lead to a fatality (even when the “Specialists” say otherwise). And given time he’ll resolve them for you as well, provided that you just stay in faith and stick with the 8-step game plan mentioned here.

In fact, many of these setbacks have actually been orchestrated to help prepare you for an upcoming challenge or to resolve a crisis that you wouldn’t have noticed otherwise.


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