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Do You Have a Legitimate Online Business or A Brick and Mortar Business That Runs on Autopilot?

legitimate online business

Leverage and Live Large!

Do you do all the work by yourself or do you have a loyal group of Minions doing your bidding?

If you have a business that keeps you locked behind a kiddyguard around the clock, what you really have is a well-paid job, not a business.

Now, some Businesses do require you to be in the spotlight most of the time. But you earn Royalties from the effort that you pour into those projects for years and even millenniums to come.

Or maybe you’re one of those strange birds who’s in the process of sculpting your “true calling” (the one that got texted to your brain while you were asleep by the Chairman and Founder of the Universe). In that case, your work pretty much becomes your hobby (except you ask for a little money at the end, so that you have something to munch on other than “thoughts” during your lunchbreak).

Whatever your path is, take the time to make life simple and elegant by outsourcing as much of it as you can (to people who have a track record to prove that they are not completely clueless).


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